A Scientific and Technical Approach to Matter

In the 5922 project, although the primary use of design as a tool is the aesthetic materialization of mathematics, it is important to use technology to sublimate it through a sensory experience. Indeed, by answering the 5922 specifications, the idea would be to push the concept much further by offering, for example, a design that would integrate interactive materials sensitive to an external stimulus. It is in this sense that a deeper scientific and technical research would bring an added value to the object of the study at the experimental level, and thus support the achievement of its purpose.

Directing a pillar of research towards the search for advanced materials seems obvious in the context of the 5922 project. They are able to answer various key technical criteria of the specifications and must be carefully selected. In addition to their visual qualities that are important, it is also relevant to select them for their physical, mechanical, electrical, thermal or magnetic performance, with criteria such as weight, resistance to traction, UV absorption, opacity, conductivity, resistivity, impact resistance, or even recyclability, for example. It should also be noted that many sensory criteria are also studied in a scientific way by completing the sensory analysis by physiological measurements and / or by an instrumental approach. Then, choosing materials also means choosing implementation methods that are compatible with them, and ensuring that they do not conflict with other elements through a life cycle analysis. This is all quantitative data that may require different tests in the laboratory, to ensure the reliability of the object created, in accordance with the specifications developed. By integrating a materials innovation laboratory, it would then be possible to carry out high-level scientific research thanks to quality supervision, and raise the 5922 project to a much higher level by confronting it with experts.

The first research carried out, as an introduction to the subject and associated with personal affinities, have highlighted a strong interest in textile materials. Nowadays, nonwovens (other than classical leather), laminates or shape memory materials, although having amazing technical and functional properties, are still not very used in the field of design for their aesthetic aspects. Yet they deserve to be explored in these areas. For example, some may combine lightness, silky touch and strong mechanical resistance, others may change forms several times, others may become animated and interact with their external environment, or even adapt to the human body. Many of these examples come from biomimicry. Moreover, integrating nature as a source of inspiration is also an important point of the 5922 project as it has always been able to produce wonderful works without generating pollution. Finally, during the first tests carried out under the theme of The Fourth Dimension, the use of machines, such as laser cutting or 3D printing, proved their relevance. Indeed, since it has been possible to reach levels of precision close to excellence in the work of shapes, they raise a particular interest in the materialization of a science that preaches perfection. These tools promise to realize great wishes about the possibility of highlighting the subtlety of the aesthetics of mathematics in the finer details.

Sublimating the aesthetics of mathematics through science and technology would lead to intense intellectual development in terms of reasoning and sensitivity.

5922 lab