Being a Mathematician, an Engineer, or a Designer?
An equation which has a unique solution can include multiple parameters. The answer?
Being a Mathematician, an Engineer AND a Designer...

From undergraduate studies in mathematics to a master degree in materials science & innovation, the founder of 5922 developed in parallel a high interest for fashion design and learned it in a self-educated way.

In 2015, feeling that design would be more than a hobby, the educational background was completed by studying a Brand & Fashion Management program in Asia, just after being graduated as a french engineer with a thesis in a textile research institute. In the meantime, stimulated by a creative environment the idea of creating a connection between mathematics and fashion came: 5922 was born with the wish to show the beauty of this science with fashion design

The project slept more than a year, while the scientific designer was working as a business manager in Paris. But caught up with boredom, the resignation quickly arrived with the willingness to develop the concept of 5922. 

2018 was the year of reflection and experimentation: designing fashion items inspired by mathematical principles was not enough...The original will extended in a project that materializes the MULTISCALE beauty and interest of mathematics from the atoms to the final products.