A Hybrid Research Project

Making the 5922 project a hybrid research project on the themes of Science and Art is an opportunity to affirm the rich and subtle connection that exists between the two topics, to exploit it and to consolidate it. As seen previously, in this project, it is more particularly a question of verifying the possibility that Mathematics and Aesthetics can feed each other by using design as experimental support. In order to be able to validate this hypothesis, it is important to be able to continue to learn and to train about the different subjects involved in this study, and to benefit from the favorable research and experimentation framework offered by a laboratory. Finally, the universal dimension of this project also encourages international exchanges that can be promoted seminars, conferences and workshops, which are also places contributing to visibility and attractiveness on a global scale. Thus the purpose would make it possible to advance knowledge through innovative research, and to be able to personally bring new thinking in this field to the world stage.

Mathematics, being at the heart of the 5922 project, deserves to be deepened in this context. To this day, it is obviously possible to approach them "simply" by taking geometric shapes, more or less complex, in a design, in order to reveal a direct aesthetic side. Nevertheless, this approach seems to be limited and does not reveal the greatness of the potential behind the bond between mathematics and aesthetics. It is indeed exciting to conduct a deeper research that would allow seeing mathematics on several scales of design, such as the structure of materials, the setting in motion of objects, or the interaction of them with observers and/or users. Then, design knowledge and skills also require further study in order to harness their full potential. The 5922 project is particularly interested in Japanese design principles such as wabi-sabi, yugen, mono-aware, and many others. The study of these concepts has already made it possible to extract essential values functionalities that have integrated the specifications of the project. Nevertheless, their deepening as well as the full absorption of the design culture through integration with a team specialized in this field, will allow the development of an unlimited and fascinating creative universe.

Deepening the ENGINASHION method and applying it directly to the project 5922 is also an interesting element to keep on developing. Indeed, the aim of this subject is not only to achieve its purpose, but also to appreciate the whole process. In this context, it is not a question of establishing only the connections cited between mathematics and aesthetics, then to transfer the work to the scientific and technical teams that would suggest solutions in terms of materials and processes that meet the established requirements for example. On the contrary, the interest is to be a player in this research, from the creation of the product specifications to the development of the final object, through teamwork with experts in these technical subjects.

Deepening the enginashion method and applying it directly to the project 5922 is also an interesting element to keep on developing. Indeed, the aim of this subject is not only to achieve its purpose, but also to appreciate the whole process. In this context, it is not a question of establishing only the connections cited between mathematics and aesthetics, then to transfer the work to the scientific and technical teams that would suggest solutions in terms of materials and processes that meet the established requirements for example. On the contrary, the interest is to be a player in this research, from the creation of the product specifications to the development of the final object, through teamwork with experts in these technical subjects.

An aesthetic trait together with a genuine interest for scientific research justifies the interest of carrying out a hybrid research project in the fields of innovative materials and design through mathematics.

5922 lab