Sharing Knowledge
5922 encourages collaborative work at the local and international stages by all means in order to develop expertise and to share discoveries with a large public in a legitimate way. With an important dimension in terms of design that is added to it, the target can be even wider, since it would then be possible to show its work and its discoveries by larger means of dissemination. Achievements can indeed be exhibited, both physically in galleries for example, but also digitally through a website, a mobile application, or very effectively through social networks. The multiplicity of these channels of transmission, associated with the diversity of the public targeted, allows then to share passion, curiosity and creativity, making use of different supports. Therefore it is about being able both to disseminate a high-level scientific content and to popularize in order not to generate any frustrations with the interested persons.
Nowadays, new generations are increasingly looking for meaning, both in their own lives and in the world around them. Curiosity awakens, the desire to learn becomes more important, the will to understand grows and the desire to experiment comes alive. It is no longer a question of using only the knowledge and objects that surround us, but of appropriating them fully, in order to assert one's individuality in this global world that is constantly attracting interest. Partitions fall, boredom is prohibited, multidisciplinary and transversal skills begin to be celebrated. In this approach, the emergence of DIY (Do It Yourself), fablabs and hackerspaces or open source is not a surprise: it is about being able to express one’s identity fully, to have impact, and so influence through experimentation. Thus, the duty of transmission, sharing and collaboration, which is translated at different scales in the context of topic of 5922, makes even more sense today as an integral function of the project specifications. In fact, this concept is expressed from different articulating principles, as for example, around personalization, co-creation and exchange, even going so far as to integrate in a certain way the "public" in the design process.
Although this is the result of a personal journey with many facets, the project 5922 is not intended to be limited to its original context. It is today associated with a clean aesthetic signature and affinities for particular topics, such as Japanese design principles, textile materials or biomimicry. Nevertheless, its universal trait is also reflected in its ability to adapt to other scientific, cultural and artistic fields. It is even important to emphasize that the multiplication of this diversity would only result in an increase in its wealth. Thus, sharing this work would hopefully open several doors. For example, it could involve companies with the ENGINASHION concept, not only to exchange good practices that would be concluded during this exercise, but also to provide technical advice and support. More importantly, and more intimate with strong personal values, sharing this project through interventions in the education community may also be relevant. The idea could be to sensitize an audience less connected to mathematics, passionately transmitting a vision that would arouse more interest, through a sensory experience, and thus support the importance of this science in the world today.
Sharing the benefits of the research and awaking intellectual curiosity for mathematics by stimulating emotional intelligence will be the culmination of the 5922 project.